Player's Council Signup Sheet
Use this form to register yourself as a member of the Player's Council!  Doing so is about the only barrier to entry. Once you have done so you can vote, be a part of committees, and weigh in more heavily on any proposed action for the Player's Council.

These questions aim to gather information about skills and contributions available from the different members of the Player's Council.  If you have a particular skill but do NOT wish to actually contribute it, then do not list it below.  The point of these questions are so we can get an accurate reading of who's who and what's feasible for us to do as a group.
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Email *
Primary Name (what you prefer to be referred to in credits, etc) *
Reddit username (/u/xxxx)
Discord username (xxxx#yyyy)
TLHH username
Facebook username (optional)
What time zone are you in? (For scheduling meetings, etc)
How familiar/experienced are you with the design of the LotR-TCG?
I've technically heard of the game
I actually got Decipher to publish my cards
Clear selection
How much experience did you have with real-life tournaments back when those were still a thing?
I never entered any
I ran more tournaments than anyone here
Clear selection
How much experience do you have with programming/development?
Nothing to contribute
I am a golden god
Clear selection
How much experience do you have with art/graphic design?
My mom won't even put them on the fridge
I get paid to draw pretty pictures
Clear selection
Which of the following goals do you feel you would have something to contribute towards on the Player's Council?
If you had to pick ONLY ONE subgroup to contribute to, which would your biggest preference be?
Clear selection
If it wasn't already made clear above, take the time here to list out all of your skills/experience/assets that you think will be beneficial to the Player's Council.  Again, only list skills that you are willing and able to contribute.
Is there some group that you think you are uniquely qualified and willing to run?
Anything else you'd like to say?
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